Who is the MySpine application intended for?

The MySpine application is intended for all people who are going to or have recently had one of the most common surgeries of the cervical or lumbar spine. MySpine is recommended to be used in the period from one month before to one year after the surgery.

The application contains help with recovery after herniated discs operations, protrusions, extruded discs, spinal stenosis ...

The application contains help with recovery after the following operations:

  • Surgeries of the neck/cervical spine from the front: Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF), Cervical Disc Replacement (CDR).
  • Surgeries of the neck/cervical spine from the back: Cervical laminectomy, Cervical fusion, Cervical laminoplasty, Cervical laminoforaminotomy.
  • Operations of the lumbar spine: Lumbar microdiscectomy, Lumbar laminotomy and foraminotomy, Lumbar laminectomy, Lumbar fusion.
How to turn off or select the notifications that you want the application to send you?

In the menu under the item "My account and settings" you have the option to choose which notifications you want the application to send you.

The application sends you notifications for:

  •  daily medical workouts and walking training
  •  taking medication
  •  allowed sitting time,
  •  moving to a new level in achievements,
  •  pain records,
  •  daily report on yesterday's number of steps and weekly average of steps taken.
Doing daily tasks (reminders)

Clicking on the task name opens the task. 

Clicking on the task time opens the option to edit the task time. The newly entered time will be used for all subsequent days of the specific recovery phase. After moving to the second stage of recovery, you will be able to edit the task time again. 

Clicking on the circle with a checkmark marks the task as done. 

For reminders/medications, you can edit the time and tick. Clicking on the name of the reminder will do nothing.

Recording of pain and weight gain

On a scale (slider) from 1-10, mark the level of pain for a particular part of the body, then click 'Save note'.

You can record the pain several times a day. Only the greatest pain recorded that day is included in the medical report.

Record the change in weight in the same way. We recommend that you record your weight once a week.

How does the sitting counter work?

When you sit down, start the counter for sitting by clicking on the button 'If you are sitting, start the counter'. Depending on how many days have passed since your surgery, the app suggests an allowable sitting time. The app will notify you when you need to stop sitting and change your position.

On devices with the Android operating system, the sitting counter stops automatically if the app detects that you are no longer sitting, i.e. you are moving.

What if the app doesn't count your steps?

If you don't see the step counter, you need to enable physical activity recording, i.e. step counting, in the mobile phone settings so that they can collect and record data on the number of steps taken.

The simplest way to enable step counting on Android devices is in the following 4 steps.

  1. Click and hold the MySpine icon for 1 second
  2. Select App info
  3. Open the Permissions item
  4. Set Physical activity and Storage to Allowed (you will not need Camera and Telephone)

For Xiaomi devices

In the device settings, you need to select the Apps item, then Manage apps, and then MySpine.

Autostart option must be turned on, and Battery Saver must be set to No restrictions.

In most cases, this will be sufficient for proper step counting. 

In some exceptional cases, it is necessary to additionally open the overview of applications on the home screen of the mobile phone and click on the lock icon with MySpine so that the application and the pedometer can always work properly. 

How to change the operated part of the spine?

The operated part of the spine cannot be changed independently within the application. To change the operated part of the spine, send a request and the reason why you want to change the date of the surgery to email [email protected].

How and why to collect points?

The points reward system and application usage levels are designed to motivate and reward you for completing your daily tasks with the primary goal of making your spine surgery recovery as successful and easy as possible.

You collect points by completing daily tasks. With each step and completed exercise, you are closer to the final recovery, and this is exactly what the app rewards. By collecting points, you pass the levels and progress towards the final goal. 

The activities for which you get points are the following:

  • You get 100 points for reaching the daily step goal
  • You get 100 points for completed training in medical exercises
  • You get 100 points for completed walking training
  • You get 50 points for recording pain
  • You get 30 points for noting the weight
  • You get 10 points for starting the seating counter

Only following the rules, doing the training and being consistent will allow a normal recovery, and by collecting points and winning new levels, you know that your recovery is progressing.

How to change the surgery date?

It is not possible to change the date of the surgery independently within the application. To change the date of the surgery, send a request and the reason why you want to change the date to the email [email protected].

How accurate is the step measurement data?

The MySpine application uses the pedometer sensor of your mobile phone. The very accuracy of step measurement depends on the quality of your smartphone.

How to change measurement units (kg/cm/km to lbs/ft/mile and vice versa)?

In the menu under the item 'My account and settings' you have the option of changing the measurement units to the desired format 'kg/cm/km' or 'lbs/ft/mile'.

How to turn off battery optimization?

Turning off battery optimization allows the app to measure steps more accurately.

You can turn off battery optimization in your smartphone's settings.

What does the report for the doctor look like and what information does it contain?

The report for the doctor is a cross-section of your activities. In it, the doctor can see your personal information, the number of steps, specific training sessions, pain statistics, weight, documents, medical history and other important information. You can see the report by sending it to yourself by email.

In the menu, click on "Send a report to the doctor" and enter your email. You will receive a PIN for accessing the report and a link to the report by email.

How many days is the sent report visible to the doctor?

The report is visible to the doctor for 30 days from the day it is sent.

How can you delete your MySpine account and all collected data?

You can delete the account and all collected data about your recovery via the item 'My account and settings' in the menu.

Where should you hold your mobile phone for the most accurate step measurement?

Always keep your mobile phone close to you, in your pocket or hand.

For iPhone and Apple Watch users, within the menu under "My Account and Settings" there is an option to connect the app to the Health app, which collects data on the number of steps and synchronizes the data with the MySpine app.

What if you forget your mobile phone while walking?

If you forgot your mobile phone while walking, you have the option of adding the number of steps taken later. On the home screen, under the number of steps, click on the "Edit" button and add an approximate number of steps taken in order to have the most accurate statistics and records of the steps taken.

How to add a new medication reminder?

You add a new medication reminder by clicking on the 'Add new reminder' button on the home screen, via the 'Tasks and reminders' item in the menu or by clicking on the last (5th) icon on the right in the lower part of the screen.

How to see tasks for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?

You can see the tasks for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow on the "Tasks and reminders" screen by clicking on the "Tomorrow" or "Day after tomorrow" section”.

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